Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bolu gulung

That's what we called in Indonesia :) Siew gin has inspired me "again!" to make this cake. Yesterday, i made it for coffee time with our neighbor who have 2 kids. It was nice to get in touch with them...they are nice couple :)
Well speaking about the cake...yesterday was turned ok! taste really good but i'm not so happy coz its quite thin. So today...since i still have all the ingredients, i make another one. And it look much better than yesterday. So i use the cheese cream from yesterday for the fillings which still left in the fridge. But i think...i need bigger pan to make more roll and the cream should be more thick. but well...still taste so good :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Carnival

In the last days was the "Fasching" time here in Germany. When most people wear a costume for the carnival. And we went to some of them.
Just like the parents, Julius wasn't really keen to wear a costume. Till at some point he saw her friends wear it. One carnival he wear a costume that he had from last year (halloween in Philippines), the other carnival...he refused to wear it at all and in his Kindergarten he wants to be handy manny or Bob the builder. So here are his costume for the Carnival.

with Aida as a balerina & Julius as Bob the builder (without the helmet)
And here is my costume... "I love Batik" :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Julius 4th B'day

Julius try to sing the German "b'day" song, but he didn't remember all the words... so he decided to switch to the english one :) very funny!

                                         My very fist B'day cake i ever made.

Germany's life

After 7 months in Germany, i finally made this blog. To share about our life.
Julius get really well in Germany, after struggling with Kindergarten for couples of months but now he seems fine. His German is so much developing, now i can tell his German is better than his Indonesian. But he still speak Indonesian to me.
My self is enjoying live here. I start my german language course 4 days in a week for 5 "lesson" hours. Yeahhh...that's a lot! Not mentioning about how much home work i have everyday!
i start running around like crazy, to make the everything running.
And i also sign up for the gym near our home (to get back in the shape & get healthy)
My husband seems enjoy his work too. At least i'm happy coz he doesn't work as much as we were in the Philippines :)
In the last weeks, i had a bad news from my dad's health. It made me so down... but now,time to wake up and support him to be strong as well. The worst thing is, that's i'm too far away and can not hold him when he is in that condition. But i still believe in miracle! I believe my dad will be fine, i believe God will heal him.

I will start writing blog now... so my family get an easy access about our life.